Saturday, January 31, 2009

ImagingUSA ~ Phoenix, Arizona

My farthest trip West happened this month. I attended ImagingUSA, a professional photography convention in Phoenix, Arizona. After wearing short sleeves in 70 degree weather for almost a week, it was hard coming back home!

Here are a few snapshots from the convention taken with my iPhone.

The Phoenix Convention Center

A view of the food court from the 3rd floor of the Convention Center

Looking out the window from the 3rd floor

With hundreds of professional photographers from all over the US in town, this was a common sight in Phoenix

The first time I ever saw a large cactus (yes, I'm a dork)

Fellow Kentucky professional photographers, Jessica Vogel and Dave Huntsman spoke on behalf of the world's largest professional photography lab, Millers Imaging. Harry Spillman of Spillman Photography sat in on the seminar and photographed Jessica and Dave.

Trade show images

Award-winning prints from all over the country

1 comment:

Matt Miller said...

I should press for an image credit on the cactus picture.