Thursday, June 12, 2008

Michella - Last CHS Senior

Michella is the last Cumberland High School senior that I will ever photograph. 2008 was the last graduating class. While it is sad that CHS will no longer exist, it is a positive change for the kids. The new consolidated school, Harlan County High School, will be open for the school year 2008-2009.

Michella scheduled and outdoor and studio senior session. The day of the appointment, it rains. We go ahead with the studio session and reschedule the outdoor part. We had tons of fun shooting for 2 hours! I love shooting seniors and she's the first female senior that I shot in a long time, so I went a bit overboard...200 pictures overboard. :)

The day we reschuled her outdoor shoot, it rained again! We got tons of great images during the first session, so she decided that would me more than enough to choose from. She was right too. It was really hard to narrow them down.

I'm using her images for a new 10x10 hard cover book to use as a studio sample. Here are some sample pages.





1 comment:

mylittlepaperaddiction said...

Hey there, a couple of those look familiar! :) They all look great and I love how you changed up the colors to coordinate with your beautiful photos!